Breach Attack Simulation

Uncover Vulnerabilities & Enhance Resilience

Experience Real-World Threat Scenarios

Our comprehensive Breach Attack Simulation  service for Microsoft cloud environments empowers you to evaluate your security defences, enhance incident response capabilities, and develop a robust security orchestration and response (SOAR) framework. By simulating real-world cyber attacks, analysing attacker techniques, and leveraging the MITRE ATT&CK Framework, we enable you to proactively identify vulnerabilities and streamline your incident response processes.

With our Breach Attack Simulation service, you can identify security gaps, optimise incident response workflows, and foster a resilient security posture within your Microsoft cloud environments. Strengthen your defence against emerging cyber threats and stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving threat landscape. Key features include:

Advanced Attack Simulations

Our experts replicate sophisticated cyber attacks across the entire kill chain, leveraging diverse techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) employed by real-world threat actors.

Mitre Attack Framework Integration

We align our simulations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework, providing a comprehensive understanding of attack techniques and mapping them to your Microsoft cloud environment’s vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation

Identify and prioritise vulnerabilities within your Microsoft cloud infrastructure, enabling targeted remediation to strengthen your security posture.

Security Orchestration and Response (SOAR) Improvement

Develop, refine, and assess your SOAR capabilities, integrating automated incident response workflows, threat intelligence feeds, and security tools for streamlined incident handling.

Proactive Threat Hunting

Uncover potential threats and malicious activities within your Microsoft cloud environments through proactive threat hunting exercises, bolstering your defence against evolving threats.

Reporting and Recommendations

Receive detailed reports outlining identified vulnerabilities, recommended mitigation strategies, and steps to optimise your security controls and incident response processes.

How you will gain


Proactive Vulnerability Identification

Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your Microsoft cloud environments before malicious actors exploit them, allowing you to prioritise remediation efforts effectively.

Mitigation of Business Disruption

By identifying vulnerabilities and implementing appropriate countermeasures, you reduce the risk of costly business disruptions caused by successful cyber attacks.

Realistic Attack Scenarios

Simulate real-world cyber attacks tailored to your organization, enabling your team to experience and understand the techniques and tactics employed by threat actors.

Enhanced IR Capabilities

Develop and refine your incident response processes, empowering your team to respond effectively to security incidents and minimise the impact of breaches.

Improved Security Awareness & Training

Raise security awareness among your employees through simulated attack scenarios, promoting a culture of security vigilance and reducing the risk of human error.

Optimize Security Controls

Assess the effectiveness of your existing security controls and make data-driven decisions to optimise and invest in the right technologies and processes.

Continuous Improvement

Engaging in breach attack simulations fosters a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that your controls are regularly updated and aligned with the evolving threat landscape.

Incident Handling Efficiency

Streamline incident response processes by identifying gaps and bottlenecks, enhancing your team’s ability to detect, contain, and eradicate threats efficiently.

Prioritised Remediation Roadmap

Receive a detailed roadmap prioritising vulnerabilities based on their potential impact, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently for remediation efforts.

Flexible and Modular

Engagement Timeline

The process for a Breach Attack Simulation typically involves a number of steps:

  • Consultation & scoping exercise (Free of charge) – Understand Client Objectives, Define Scope and Constraints & Identify Key Stakeholders
  • Engagement – Pre-Assessment Preparation, Simulation Design & Communication and Consent
  • Delivery (iterative process) – Simulation Execution, Monitoring and Assessment & Incident Response and Mitigation
  • Post-Simulation Debrief

Throughout the process, we maintain close communication with you, ensuring you are kept informed of progress, findings, and recommendations. The goal is to deliver a comprehensive Breach Attack Simulation exercise that helps you improve your security posture, enhance incident response capabilities, and proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in your Microsoft cloud environments.



Azure and traditional environments can vary greatly in their nature, be in scale or complexity. When you also consider the vastly different motivations for commissioning a Breach Attack Simulation and the nature of threats addressed in the exercise, it is not possible to quote typical prices.

Factors that will influence the scope of testing and the corresponding price include:

  • Threats that need simulating
  • The protection mechanisms in place
  • Number of data repositories
  • Number of users within scope & their security awareness
  • Number of geographic and administrative environments
Strengthen Your Defences with Realistic Simulations

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