Professional Services Firm

Preparing for Cyber Essentials Certification


A distinguished professional services firm based in the United Kingdom, renowned for their expertise in various industries and commitment to delivering exceptional services to their clients.

Related Services

Infrastructure Security Assessment

Trusted Advisor

Project Detail

The client sought our cybersecurity assessment and architecture consultancy services as part of their preparations for an upcoming comprehensive assessment under the UK Cyber Essentials scheme. They recognised the significance of ensuring a robust security posture and desired expert guidance to ensure not only a successful certification assessment, but that they also materially improved their systems and processes in the spirit of the scheme.


With the impending Cyber Essentials assessment, the client faced the challenge of meeting the stringent security requirements set forth by the scheme, specifically those focused on the Internet facing infrastructure and user workstations. They aimed to strengthen their cybersecurity controls, identify potential vulnerabilities, and address any gaps that may prevent them achieving compliance.


We delivered a comprehensive security assessment that:

  • Included a thorough review of the client's IT infrastructure, policies, and procedures to assess their readiness for the Cyber Essentials assessment.
  • Examined key areas such as network security, device configuration, access controls, malware protection, and data backup procedures.
  • Incorporated industry best practices and the specific requirements outlined by the Cyber Essentials scheme.

Upon completing the technical assessment and performing the analysis, the key findings included:

  • Many of the client's existing controls and practices aligned with the Cyber Essentials requirements.
  • A number of potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement were identified, such as outdated software versions, inadequate firewall configurations, and incomplete patch management processes.

Based on our findings, we provided the client with a comprehensive action plan, prioritising the remediation of identified vulnerabilities and gaps:

  • Our recommendations encompassed implementing software updates, strengthening the base build of user workstations, enhancing network segmentation, strengthening password policies, and establishing robust backup and recovery procedures.
  • We collaborated closely with the client's IT and cyber security teams, offering guidance and support to ensure the successful implementation of the recommended measures.


Implementation and Results:

  • The client diligently executed the action plan, addressing the identified vulnerabilities and aligning their security controls with the requirements of the Cyber Essentials scheme.
  • The client achieved a strengthened security posture, reducing the likelihood of successful cyber attacks and enhancing their ability to protect sensitive data.
  • The implemented measures positioned the client well for the subsequent successful Cyber Essentials certification assessment.

Business Benefits:

  • By proactively engaging in preparatory consultancy, the client gained a clear understanding of the Cyber Essentials requirements and successfully aligned their security controls to meet those standards.
  • The enhanced cybersecurity measures not only ensured compliance but also bolstered the client's reputation as a trusted and secure professional services firm.
  • Through our collaborative approach, the client built internal capabilities and knowledge, empowering their teams to better address future cybersecurity challenges.


The comprehensive assessment, tailored recommendations, and ongoing support enabled the client to enhance their cybersecurity controls, achieve compliance, and strengthen their overall security resilience. By proactively investing in their cybersecurity practices, the client reaffirmed their commitment to protecting sensitive information and maintaining their position as a leader in their industry.