

Cyber Threat Actors - Nation state, terrorists, hacktivists, cyber criminals, script kiddies
Our new eBook – 34 pages of insightful content on Threat Actors, how the cloud changes things up, and Breach Attack Simulation.
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the cloud has become synonymous with flexibility, scalability, and innovation. However, a lingering question persists in the minds of many business leaders and IT professionals: “Is the cloud insecure?” This article aims to debunk the common myths surrounding cloud security, highlight the inherent security benefits of cloud computing, and...
Introduction As cybersecurity or IT professional, you’re likely familiar with Microsoft Secure Score—a tool designed to evaluate the security of your Microsoft 365 and Azure AD environments. While Microsoft has made significant strides in promoting secure configurations, it’s essential to understand that Secure Score alone is not enough to ensure an appropriate security posture of...
Ah, the world of cybersecurity—a place filled with digital mysteries and invisible threats lurking around every corner. As we navigate this treacherous landscape, it’s natural to wonder, “Should I have a security assessment?” Well, my friend, let’s dive into the realm of assessments and discover why they’re just the beginning of your security journey. A...